And because it's Furry Friday! My life is so boring and unboring right now, I don't know where to start. I've decided (FINALLY) to get on with it and am promptly joining the ranks of Weight Watchers on Monday. My Pa (yes, we say Pa around these parts) tried to eat his way through North Carolina after he retired and joined the WW a little while back. I've decided to surprise him on Monday at the meeting and maybe we can support each other. He's already lost 14 lbs. ! *Applause* I hope I can find the will power WAAAAY down deep inside to stick with this. I'm even gonna force myself to pay by the week instead of getting that Monthly Pass. I reason that if I get the MP, I'm less likely to go. I also don't want to do ANY kind of exercise, but *sigh*, I know that I will probably have to get off my arse at some point. In other news, I started going to the tanning bed because if I can't BE thin, I can LOOK thin. It's all an illusion. While Hubbs has been fixing his truck, I've been scouring the Tri-City area looking for a new residence. So far? No luck. Now, I lurve my Pookie, but most places are NO PETS! INSIDE OR OUT! But y'all? We've been living with my mother-in-law (bless her little empty heart) for the past 9 months and if I don't get outta that piece soon, I will explode! So, in short, I love you Pookie, but I love my sanity even more. If you are the only thing that stands between us and a new place, I'm soooo sorry bud. I NEED to get out of the H.H.O.D. (hell hole of drama). And also, I need to be able to wake up and go to work without worrying all day long that the brother-in-law from hell isn't going to keep stealing from us EVERY SINGLE DAY. And, I need to be able to come home from work and not have to give myself a pep talk so that I actually WILL be able to go home without being SuperBitch to my loving husband. Because? My blood pressure and stress levels are so far off the charts, you'd need a map to find them. Anyway.. Sorry to go off on a tangent like that.. Whew! Back to more random things. So, I got my hair did last weekend, and it looks FAB-U-LOUS! Shorter and Blonder. Just the way I like it. I also got some more contacts (YAY!). And Reese eggs. Nothing says Easter like chocolate. If you mess with the Eggs, you die. That's all I'm sayin'. Here's hoping we have an uneventful weekend so that I can curl up with the Pook and watch "The Nanny Diaries", turn in my library books before I owe them a fortune in late fees, and maybe even get to go to Target for some goodies.
You can't give up your pup!
I'm right there with you- I want to be thin- but I'd settle for the illusion of thinness. I can't imagine life without my puplets, but after hearing about your housemates, maybe I'd change my mind. Or write a sitcom.
It's no fun, but WW works. Try Core -- it's the least like a diet of any diet I've ever been on.
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