Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday Movie Meme

Because I just don't listen unless I write things down, and because I can't find the "real" directions to this cool little thing, I'm just gonna wing it. After making a couple of guesses on a few of my favorite blogs, I'm attempting to do my own. So, don't cheat by going to that real popular movie look-up website (IDB? IMD?, yeah, that one) or Google, or any other "cheat" site. Make an educated guess. You know, like a hypothesis. While you all are guessing, I'm gonna try my damnedest to figure out how to do that cool little strike-through font that doesn't seem to work for me, and the hyperlink thingy that I also can't seem to get working on here, but works plenty fine on my other web-ventures. So, without further ado..

1. "Coughlin's law: never tell tales about a woman. No matter how far away she is, she'll always hear you. " Cocktail (I love all the early Tom Cruise movies! The new ones? Not so much)

2. I'm all jacked up on Mt. Dew! I'll come at you like a spider-monkey! " Talledaga Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

3. "There's not a goddamn breeze in the entire state of Louisiana." The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

4. "The official toxicity limit for humans is between one and one and half grams of cocaine depending on body weight. I was averaging five grams a day, maybe more. I snorted ten grams in ten minutes once. I guess I had a high tolerance." Blow

5. "Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, I'm scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you. " Dirty Dancing

6. "Well, sometimes the tree grows too fast and the roots don't develop. And sometimes you have to chop off the top of that tree to let the roots catch up. "

7. "A million girls would kill for this job. " The Devil Wears Prada

8. "The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever."

9. "Well. I think a stork, he umm, he drops it down and then, and then, a hole goes in your body and there's blood everywhere, coming out of your head and then you push your belly button and then your butt falls off and then you hold your butt and you have to dig and you find the little baby." Knocked Up

10. "He's got you on a pedestal and me in his arms." My Best Friend's Wedding

Bonus Round: "Because in your heart you know, that the juice is worth the squeeze. That's what moral fiber's all about." The Girl Next Door (Such a COOOL movie!)

Have fun guessing!

**Edited to Add.. So far, Hateful Bitch and Lindz are kicking your butts!!
***Edited to Add. Again... Come ON!! I know there are some saps out there just like me, for # 8!! And, did anyone notice that I completely deleted number 6 while trying to figure out that strike-through thingy??


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how many I'm supposed to be able to guess but I'm going to try a few. So here goes:

2. Talladega Nights.
6. Dirty Dancing.
7. The Devil Wears Prada
9. Knocked Up?
10. My Best Friends Wedding.

If all the ones I think are right, we have about the same taste in movies. Which wouldn't surprise me! lol

Lindz said...

Well commenter number one got all of mine, dangit. Is it sad that I only recognized 2, 6, 7 and 10?

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm going to take a stab at 4. Is it Blow? I've never actually seen the movie but I think it's in my collection somewhere and that just might seem like a line out of it.

Stephie Moo said...

seriously... why can't i read anything in your emails to me?
just bump me with a new email when you get a chance, okay?

Lindz said...

Wait, wait! Is #3 "the Ya-Ya Sisterhood?"

Lindz said...

I've got number one too, Cocktail! Here's one of my favs from Ya-ya "I'll knock you into the middle of next week... And I'll kick your sorry ass on Thursday."

flutterbyshutter said...

#3 is Ya-Ya's, yeah?
and bonus round is The Girl Next Door :D

Lindz said...

I cheated and looked up the quote because it was bugging me. I don't remember that quote specifically but can I tell you that that movie traumatized me, I bawled like a baby even after leaving the theater and every time I watch it, I still cry.