Tuesday, May 26, 2009

If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say...

Right now I have my fingers in one too many pots. I did it to myself, but that doesn't mean I like it. Because the poo may or may not hit the fan sometime soon, I need to focus on the positive lest I go all crazy white girl on somebody, yo.

  • I am thankful that I am not in the hot mess that is Jon & Kate plus 8.
  • I am glad that I have a dog who still loves me after being in his kennel for the better part of the day.
  • I am stoked that I found $10 wrapped in an old receipt.
  • I am with glee that I have a job interview Thursday with a SUPERB company and I hope I don't bomb it/jinx it.
  • Thank god for Cinnabon.
  • I am thankful for a roof over my head and food in my (slowly receeding) belly.
  • I am glad we have a lottery. It gives me hope.
  • I am thankful that I am afforded certain opportunities.
  • I am grateful that Besty is still going after 8 years and 140,000 miles. Betsy, you ROCK!
  • I give much props to the fact that "If He brings me to it, He'll bring me through it."
  • I am thankful for the person who created "Woo Saah.."

Everything happens for a reason, even if we don't know what that reason is right now.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

When will you ever learn?

This is a rant. I'm going to jump on my little soapbox. If this is something you'd rather not hear, then I suggest you click elsewhere.

When are you stupid idiot party-goers ever gonna learn??
This past weekend a party was thrown. I won't name any names, but let's just say that these functions with this crowd always tend to end in drama and nine times out of ten somebody gets hurt. This shindig was no exception. One party-goer had been drinking (probably heavily as per usual), decided to leave, and ended up side-swiping a car on his journey away from the party. I look at our community online news today and discover that the person he side-swiped died and 4 more are injured. An innocent 18 year-old is dead. DEAD. Because you.. needed more beer? A booty call? More weed? A fucking kid is dead because you didn't have the good sense God gave you to understand that you can't drink and drive. Also on this notorious night, another drunk moron decided that he wasn't drunk enough and needed yet MORE alcohol, so he drove to the store and flipped his PT Cruiser into a ditch MULTIPLE times and almost broke his leg (sprain I later heard) and wanted to FLEE THE SCENE OF THE ACCIDENT! How do I know this if I wasn't there, you ask? I know this because my husband was the one this guy's friend called to help "pull him out of the ditch." My husband is the one who talked him out of fleeing the scene after he landed in somebody's front yard and they called the cops. Because my husband? WAS SOBER. You sorry pieces of shit have no regard for your own safety or that of others and I am DISGUSTED. I hate these "get-togethers" for the simple reason that people unnecessarily get injured. It could all be prevented if you just had a DD or someone you could/would call if you had a few too many. We've all been there, but apparently not all of us use good judgement. In my county alone this year there have already been 10 vehicle deaths. If you drink, please PLEASE don't drive. Don't exercise your stubborn idiotic behavior at the expense of an innocent person's life. Sadly, I know the person who killed that 18-year-old, and all I have to say is this: You are 26 fucking years old and you are a total douche bag to take away this boy's life and a son away from his mother. I hope they throw the book at your ass and make an example out of you so that your other weekend-alcoholic friends will hopefully learn from your mistake. As for me, I will come get you if you are too drunk to drive. I will take your keys. I will not watch you kill yourself or someone else because "we ran out of Jager bombs." For the party throwers, SHAME on YOU for letting these people leave in such sorry condition. In my opinion, you should share the punishment of these sorry individuals. You should be just as liable for not taking their keys. Why not? Bars are. I hope this wrong turn of events has opened your eyes as well. I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer and poo poo everyone's good time. I'm all for having a good time just not at the expense of someone else's life. This has been a Snappy Service Announcement. Thank you.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The first step is admitting you have a problem...

Supposedly in AA, the first step is admitting you have a problem. After that, you will be truly open to treatment. Well.. My name is ___. (Hi! ___!) And I am a cereal junkie. Wow. That feels better. Right now on top of my fridge are FIVE boxes of cereal: Cheerios, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, Honeycombs, Apple Jacks and Froot Loops. My husband doesn't even LIKE cereal unless it's Reese Puffs or Cap'n Crunch. We have no children. All 5 boxes are for ME! This is either seriously sad or....... Okay, so it's seriously sad. I remember growing up and not being able to get brand name cereal because it was too expensive, or trying to trick my mama into buying a certain cereal JUST for the prize. That NEVER worked. She was on to my evil cereal ways. Nowadays, they hardly ever put a prize in the box. What can I say? I love me some whole-wheat, sugar-doused goodness. It's good for breakfast. It's good for a snack. It's good for dinner when you're too lazy to make a "real" meal (Guilty). To me cereal is like waking up and deciding what you want to wear to work: The night before you might have been feelin' some Apple Jacks/a dress. But when you woke up, Froot Loops/a powersuit might have been more tastier/suitable. And if you only buy ONE box, you never get an option. Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day, yo.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


So, I told you guys how I was going to file a claim with Half.com if I didn't get my Carrie fix.. Well, I still didn't get my Carrie fix. I filed a claim. Then I sent an email to that douchebag who didn't send my book telling her I filed a claim. And you know what?? She refunded my money. So inspite of her flakiness on my borderline obsessiveness about Carrie and the girls, the douchebag actually had some decency. Who'd a thunk it? On the upside, I just ordered "Save Karyn" by Karyn Bosnak a couple of days ago and can't wait to get my little fingers on that. So there.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bitchiness and Drama?? I'm THERE.

Hubbs and I and 2 of our closest friends trekked down to the beach this past weekend for Hubbs' birthday. It was cold and rainy and there were a surprising number of people there. At first I was a little tiffed because I couldn't find my Monopoly game to take with us. Then I forgot my Scrabble game, because we all enjoy a good drunk Scrabble session. I took a puzzle, a couple of books, my Nintendo DS and my Chaucer homework with me in case I got bored. But aside from a little bit of reading ("Dirty Girls On Top" by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, SOOO GOOD), I got hooked on my newest TV addiction... America's Next Top Model and The Bad Girls Club. Who knew? So much drama, so captivating. I'll conitue to watch these two rain or shine!

Friday, March 6, 2009


In a totally unrelated post, I'm thinking of either changing my blog name or moving my blog. Which is easier? Starting over or just renaming? What's in a name? How did you guys come up with your blog names? How do you guys get your blogs to look so pretty and delicious? Discuss.

For the Love of Sex and the City..

I love Half.com. I shop there, I sell there, I lurk there. I am also, like, IN LOVE with Sex and the City. I have searched many a Borders Books and Barnes & Noble for this glorious book by Candace Bushnell. But alas, they do not carry it and I am cheap so I turned to Half.com. On February 4th, I placed my order. I think it was supposed to be coming from somewhere up north like Boston or New Jersey. Today is March 6th. This glorious book has yet to grace my mailbox. In a moment of Carrie Bradshaw awe, I asked myself, Will it ever arrive? I contacted the seller who claims to have "Already sent you an email because you asked for it fast, so I sent it first class." I say, Bullshit. I NEVER emailed her, nor did I ever ask her to "send it fast." As impatient as I am, I understand that when things are mailed it takes a few days. My estimated arrival date was between Feb. 14 and Feb. 26. So I sent her a reply back calling her bluff telling her that if I don't recieve it by the end of the month I will file a claim and request a full refund. She responds by saying that I don't need to result to threats and that she'll be glad to refund my money if I don't recieve the book and all she's doing is trying to make the world a better place by giving it books. I didn't threaten her; I followed Half.com protocol. If she slacked and forgot to mail it, fine. I understand. I slack too. If she totally misplaced my order, fine. I understand. I forget things too. But BE HONEST ABOUT IT. Don't try to jerk me around. I'm giving her til the end of this month, then I'm filing a claim and hope to get my money back. It's not about my $4.72 or the book, it's about principle. What is the world coming to when you can't get your Carrie fix?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

New things..

For starters, I'm back. It's been a long time and I know we have LOTS to catch up on. I've missed you all terribly. I've been on a blah-hiatus, and now I'm back, so let's get started. Shall we?

1. New year, New..Job?-- To kick off this spectacular new year, I was laid off from my job at the Employment Palace due to staff reductions and budget cuts. Boo.

2. I Has Resolutions?-- The Hubbs and I... QUIT SMOKING. TOGETHER. And it was touch and go there for a few days. Quite a scary event.

3. The One Last Try Challenge-- I have joined a gym. Again. No remarks from the peanut gallery, thankyouverymuch. I've hauled my fat patootie up to that God-forsaken torture chamber every night (except weekends, I mean, a girl's gotta have SOME fun, yo) for almost 3 weeks. In my next life, I hope I'm a skinny bi-atch.

4. College4Life-- I'm STILL in school. BOO.

5. Baby?-- After getting canned ONE WEEK before my waiting period for my supplemental maternity leave took effect, we've decided to put the baby making on the back burner until September. Hence, the one last try challenge. I would like to look decent in a bathing suit at least ONCE before I get as big as a house.

There's the update. Talk to you guys soon!