Monday, March 16, 2009

Bitchiness and Drama?? I'm THERE.

Hubbs and I and 2 of our closest friends trekked down to the beach this past weekend for Hubbs' birthday. It was cold and rainy and there were a surprising number of people there. At first I was a little tiffed because I couldn't find my Monopoly game to take with us. Then I forgot my Scrabble game, because we all enjoy a good drunk Scrabble session. I took a puzzle, a couple of books, my Nintendo DS and my Chaucer homework with me in case I got bored. But aside from a little bit of reading ("Dirty Girls On Top" by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, SOOO GOOD), I got hooked on my newest TV addiction... America's Next Top Model and The Bad Girls Club. Who knew? So much drama, so captivating. I'll conitue to watch these two rain or shine!

Friday, March 6, 2009


In a totally unrelated post, I'm thinking of either changing my blog name or moving my blog. Which is easier? Starting over or just renaming? What's in a name? How did you guys come up with your blog names? How do you guys get your blogs to look so pretty and delicious? Discuss.

For the Love of Sex and the City..

I love I shop there, I sell there, I lurk there. I am also, like, IN LOVE with Sex and the City. I have searched many a Borders Books and Barnes & Noble for this glorious book by Candace Bushnell. But alas, they do not carry it and I am cheap so I turned to On February 4th, I placed my order. I think it was supposed to be coming from somewhere up north like Boston or New Jersey. Today is March 6th. This glorious book has yet to grace my mailbox. In a moment of Carrie Bradshaw awe, I asked myself, Will it ever arrive? I contacted the seller who claims to have "Already sent you an email because you asked for it fast, so I sent it first class." I say, Bullshit. I NEVER emailed her, nor did I ever ask her to "send it fast." As impatient as I am, I understand that when things are mailed it takes a few days. My estimated arrival date was between Feb. 14 and Feb. 26. So I sent her a reply back calling her bluff telling her that if I don't recieve it by the end of the month I will file a claim and request a full refund. She responds by saying that I don't need to result to threats and that she'll be glad to refund my money if I don't recieve the book and all she's doing is trying to make the world a better place by giving it books. I didn't threaten her; I followed protocol. If she slacked and forgot to mail it, fine. I understand. I slack too. If she totally misplaced my order, fine. I understand. I forget things too. But BE HONEST ABOUT IT. Don't try to jerk me around. I'm giving her til the end of this month, then I'm filing a claim and hope to get my money back. It's not about my $4.72 or the book, it's about principle. What is the world coming to when you can't get your Carrie fix?