Monday, April 7, 2008


The thing I hate most about moving is.. Moving! Most of our stuff is already packed up in storage, but we still have to pack up our bedroom crap at the mother-in-law's house. This task will, of course, be left up to me. And that's fine. At least I don't have to pack up.. THE WHOLE HOUSE, like I did the last time. So, you see, it's not quite so bad. Me, being the procrastinator that I am, is trying to get a head-start on this thing before the night before we move. Because? That would be so typical of myself, and I'm trying to make some changes, yo. So, yes indeedy, we are flyin' the coop. Moving into a 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath home with a two car garage, a wood burning fire place, a DISHWASHER (WOO HOO), deck and nice backyard. This means that we have ample space all to OURSELVES where no one will steal our food or liquor, use our bath products or toilet paper, and I'll go back to only cleaning up after me, Hubbs, and Pookie. Ahhh.. yes. Life is good. For you nice readers, here is a list of things I look forward to in the coming weeks. Enjoy!
  • Being able to buy food without having to come home and "assess the damage" of what has been eaten/stolen from the pantry by worthless brother-in-law and his druggie friends.
  • Being able to dry clothes in the dryer without worrying if WBIL has stolen our brand-new towels or half-assed let them dry, only to throw them on MIL's bed still wet. That means they have to be washed. Again.
  • Not worrying that WBIL is using our shampoo/bodywash/toothpaste/razor(I know!). And not having to take EVERYTHING out of the bathroom EVERY morning after pre-work showers.
  • Not having to hoarde food in our room like chipmunks, for fear that WBIL will eat every morsel.
  • Not having to pick up after 4 adult humans and one to three canines (depending on the day).
  • Not being MIL's hand-maiden.
  • Being able to walk around in my underwear, if I so choose.
  • Being close to Ma Dukes.
  • Getting my husband out of the nasty environment that is labeled "Family". Mainly, his.
  • Having our own place!
  • Doing exactly what we want!!


Anonymous said...

Walking around naked. So nice.

Anonymous said...

So totally understand how ya feel. And it sucks that you had to horde all your goodies.

Congrats on the new place though. And I'm actually glad to hear you hadn't sent gifts yet.

(Neighbors didn't have a mailbox and was using ours and I thought I was gonna have to kick a neighbors ass for taking my goodies.)

misguidedmommy said...

hi nice to meet you.

I don't eat meat but a bacon cheddar baked potato sounds delightful

Emily Main said...

Good luck with the move. I have been able to stand having roommates .. besides my husband that is ;) or even living with family. I freak out about every little thing.. am I eating too much food? Chipping in enough? spending enough time with them? etc. Drives me crazy!

Have fun walking around naked once you are all unpacked... :)

Lindz said...

I'd be looking forward to all that too! Something to think about before I commit to a roommate in the near future (again.) Yay for you!