Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm So Excited. And I Just Can't Hide It!

After living with my mother-in-law for the past 10 months, Hubbs and I have found a place to stay. AND.. we get to keep Scout! We found a house to rent that is right around the corner from my parents. It's a 3 BR, 1 1/2 BA with a 2 car garage and a decent-sized yard. I can't explain the relief that I feel right now! We'll be moving around the first of May and it can't get here fast enough! This was just a quick post. The deets for my peeps will come Monday when I have enough time to elaborate on my excitedness. And, because I know you think I've forgotten you.. Lindz, Maggie and Flutterbyshutter.. I am like the queen of procrastinators. I haven't forgotten your goodies!! The packages are all put together and ready to send out, like yesterday. Now I just have to get my lazy ass to the Post Office. They'll arrive soon, I promise! Have a fantabulous weekend everyone!


AndreAnna said...

Yay! Congrats!

Lyvvie said...

Hooray for new homes! Hooray for not living with the MIL anymore (I dunno, yours may be Super, mine drives me batty) Can't wait for all the moving day posts.

Lindz said...

CONGRATS! That's all kinds of exciting. P.S. I always put off trips to the post office.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new place! I know I'd rather get a root canal than live with my mother in law. They've even offered us free land and to help us build a house.