Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What's the sound of one hand clapping?

Me, pattin' myself on the back for my FIRST EVER BLOG!! Woo Hoo! I have a Myspace (boo drama) and a Facebook (boo x2 b/c I can't figure the damn thing out) and I've posted on some message boards from time to time. The one thing I have figured out is that apparently LOTS of people read what I have to say. Are you amazed? Because I am definitely amazed. But, really, it's true. I have a counter and everything. I even double-checked it twice! I even get comments and I know they rock. Okay, so anyway, people "tune in" to read my rants and I love it! Why? Probably because I'm an only child and I just love the attention. Either that or it's because I love to do, say, write thought provoking things. I've been called nosy, but I prefer the term "Inquisitive", thank you very much. I want to know everything. I see myself as the friend everyone needs to have. One with guts. One that speaks her mind. One who isn't afraid to be rude or piss you off. That's me. I do these things on a daily basis. And you know what? Come to think of it, that may be why people read this crap. To see what I'm gonna do next. Like one commenter stated, "It's like a train wreck. I just have to know what happens next!" That's me: the Trainwreck. Welcome to the wild side.

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