Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday's Pick

By far the best book I have had the pleasure of reading in a long time.

*Edited to Add: I have picked this book up from the library before, and after reading a couple of pages found that I wasn't that interested. However, I'm always willing to give books a second chance as sometimes my mood reflects what I read, so for the second time I picked up "The Friday Night Knitting Club." I liked this book for the female comaraderie, the unexpected plot, and the characters whose lives are told in such detail that you could point them out on the street. It felt as if each one's soul was bared just expressly for the purpose of the reader. They feel like old friends that everybody knows. After the initial chapters, I found that I just could not put it down. My husband would beg me to turn off the nightstand light so he could sleep, but I couldn't. I just had to know what happened next. From the book's title, one would assume that this book was about old ladies in a knitting club; Although there is a knitting club involved, these women are far from old. They are full of spirit and humor and wit. Such an awesome read. To my friend Lindz, PLEASE, PLEASE go get this book. I promise, you will not be disappointed!


Lindz said...

I am dying to know how this book is. I have been tempted by it at a number of book stores but hadn't heard enough praise to investigate myself.

Lindz said...

Oh yeah, tell me WHY it was good. Please!

Anonymous said...

does it have glossy pages of Jessica Alba's cleavage??


I ain't interested

Anonymous said...

I've heard of this! Been wanting to read it!