- On the 3 lane highway that I frequent, if you can not go AT LEAST the posted speed limit you need to reread your drivers handbook that states SLLLOOOWW people need to drive in the right hand lane, dummy.
- If I have to go around you because you are driving too slow in the FAST lane, I will be mad and I will politely cut you off when I get back around you. This is only to show you that your place is in another lane.
- I have road rage.
- I hate to be tailgated. If you decide that you are going to ride my ass even though there are two other lanes wide open, be warned that my brakes work VERY well. I will brake-check you. I will give you three chances to get off my ass. In warm weather I will even pop the sunroof and count them for you. I hope you have great insurance by the time I get to the third chance.
- If we are coming up to a stoplight/sign and you're tailgating me, I will short-stop you.
- I love to use my horn. They wouldn't have put them on cars if they weren't intended for use. I use mine on a daily basis. Also, watch for finger. Bad habits die hard.
- If you slam on breaks in front of me when traffic is just moving right along, just to scream at your kids, put on you lipstick, look at a map, whatever, you will see the finger, hear the horn and also hear a long string of obscenities. Be prepared. Extra points if I have to pass you.
- If you are lost, pull over until you can find your way again. It does not please me when I have to keep slamming on brakes behind you at every intersection. You will also hear the horn.
- If you want to get over in my lane, you better use your blinker. They didn't put signal lights on cars because they look all pretty and sparkly when you turn them on. It's not my fault, nor do I care if you miss your exit. If you'd have used your signal light, I'd have been more than happy to let you over.
- If you blow the horn at me, I will not take the Marlboro Light out of my hand before giving you the finger.
- I can talk and drive at the same time. I personally don't like to talk and drive. I like to drive and listen to the radio. But if YOU can't talk and drive, HANG UP before you side swipe someone.
- I try to drive a reasonable* speed, but if I am going 80 in a 55 and you are dead on me, pass me brotha. Cause I AIN'T MOVIN'. Flash your lights all you want. If you are not a cop or an ambulance, I'm not moving because you feel the need for speed.
- There is a thing called rain that is liquid precipitation that falls from the sky on occassion. When it does, don't be alarmed. You can still go the speed limit. (I mean, really? These AHoles act like they've never seen rain before and creeep down the highway.) God forbid it should snow**.
It really isn't that complicated, people. I love the feel of the open road on a warm day with the sunroof popped. Just drivin' along in my automobile. But I hate it that no one has the common sense God gave them to drive. It just ain't right.
*The way I was raised, reasonable went like this as far as overages of speed limits go: 5, you're fine, 10 you're mine. I try really hard to only go 5 mph over. I don't always succeed.
**This is a whole other story to tell, but if it snows around here, you'd think the world was gonna end.
Thanks for the comment, it made me smile and I think that I've found me a new blog to read.
lol, this is too funny ... mostly because you drive like me, sans the cigarette.
One caveat to add to your bullet points however ... if you think you're coming in my lane because you put on your signal light as you are coming over NO F'ING WAY.
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