In lieu of a Furry Friday post (well, crapola, I guess this does count as a Furry Friday. see what happens when you bleed for a week straight??), I have a WTF? Friday post.
I was making brownies last night because I'm thriving on chocolate right now, and I noticed that the ingredients on the box looked a little off. You were supposed to add 3 Tablespoons of water, 2 Eggs, and 1/2 a cup of Vegetable Oil. I know. I thought the same thing. I checked the box like three times to make sure that it didn't say 1/3 cup of oil or something. But it didn't. It said 1/2 cup. And then the batter wasn't it's usual consistency. It was all doughy. Nonetheless, I poured it in my handy dandy baking dish and popped it in the oven. Yum-O. It took over an hour for my beloved chocolatey goodness to bake. So I ask you.. WTF? Has Betty Crocker finally flipped her lid? Was it a possible typo? Am I going to die after devouring the WHOLE pan of brownies?? I hope not. 'Cause I have some Breyer's ice cream at the Casa that is waiting to paired with some brownie awesomeness.
Most of us wouldn't have even noticed. Of course, I generally do not pause for reflection when making batter of any kind. Stir and eat. That is my policy. Oh, and sometimes bake....
That's one "furry" I wouldn't dream of getting close to.
Did someone say brownies??!
Ha! Like amber, I probably wouldn't have noticed. I am clueless in the kitchen. Despite watching Alton Brown.
I figure you've tried them by now... or made Hubby try them first? So???
They are fine-sh? They're just a little greasy. I'm just amazed that I haven't had a coronary with all the oil involved. They were really weird, y'all.
But,yeah Barbra, I should have made Hubbs try them first. Damn hormonal greediness!
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