Thursday, March 20, 2008

Just a quickie!

Well, I have some good news! The Pink Eye? It be gone, yo. Not much going on around these here parts except some GUSTY wind. It almost blew my poor Pookie over this mornin' while he was trying to take a whiz, bless his heart. I get tomorrow off work (thank you Employment Palace!) and Saturday I get my hair did. Usually I only get my hair cut once a year. But dammnit, I want a good haircut! So I signed myself up to get it done on Saturday. A full cut and color. It's probably gonna cost me an arm and a leg, but I hope it's worth it! A girls' got to have good hair, you know. Next on the list (please forgive me) is joining Weight Watchers. I know. I'm thinking the same thing. Moving on.. After that, looking (and I mean really looking) for a place to live. Currently, Hubbs and I are living with the Mother In Law. But seriously? That is a whole 'nother issue, and I could quite possibly start a new blog site just on that. It's so Springer-like; it's pathetic. Anywho. Also, I have a wonderful attorney who is getting me out of my speeding ticket at like, half the price. Because paying $245? Is SOO much better than paying $170 and having 2 or 3 points on my license/insurance. Since this weekend will be a long weekend, I plan on takin' it easy. Bless my little heart y'all, I deserve it! Now I'm off to pay the cell bill so our main lines of communication won't be severed in case I'm disturbed during my easiness and have to strangle someone. Happy Easter Y'all!


Lindz said...

yay for you. Pink eye is straight nasty.

Anonymous said...

I can relate on the speeding ticket. Luckily every year or so they roll some points off your license. I manage to stay a few points ahead I guess.

Stephie Moo said...

slow down, trixie.

Anonymous said...

Pay my cell bill while you're there, k?

Ain't you sweet?! :)