Friday, March 6, 2009

For the Love of Sex and the City..

I love I shop there, I sell there, I lurk there. I am also, like, IN LOVE with Sex and the City. I have searched many a Borders Books and Barnes & Noble for this glorious book by Candace Bushnell. But alas, they do not carry it and I am cheap so I turned to On February 4th, I placed my order. I think it was supposed to be coming from somewhere up north like Boston or New Jersey. Today is March 6th. This glorious book has yet to grace my mailbox. In a moment of Carrie Bradshaw awe, I asked myself, Will it ever arrive? I contacted the seller who claims to have "Already sent you an email because you asked for it fast, so I sent it first class." I say, Bullshit. I NEVER emailed her, nor did I ever ask her to "send it fast." As impatient as I am, I understand that when things are mailed it takes a few days. My estimated arrival date was between Feb. 14 and Feb. 26. So I sent her a reply back calling her bluff telling her that if I don't recieve it by the end of the month I will file a claim and request a full refund. She responds by saying that I don't need to result to threats and that she'll be glad to refund my money if I don't recieve the book and all she's doing is trying to make the world a better place by giving it books. I didn't threaten her; I followed protocol. If she slacked and forgot to mail it, fine. I understand. I slack too. If she totally misplaced my order, fine. I understand. I forget things too. But BE HONEST ABOUT IT. Don't try to jerk me around. I'm giving her til the end of this month, then I'm filing a claim and hope to get my money back. It's not about my $4.72 or the book, it's about principle. What is the world coming to when you can't get your Carrie fix?

1 comment:

Stephie Moo said...

lol... she didn't mail it. if she was a good seller she would have thrown in the extra 60 cents for delivery confirmation.