Okay. This is gonna be a sort of weird post for me.. So deep breaths.. WOO SAAHH.
Okay. I'm not a real religious person. I mean, I'm from the South; I am a God-fearin' woman and all, but I don't practice my religion. I believe that there is a God and I believe in Him in my own way. I don't really know yet if I believe in a heaven or hell. I believe that some things are an act of God, or a miracle from the highest high. I believe that if He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it. And I believe that no more is placed on you than you can handle (ie: your cross to bear, so to speak). These are things I believe. I respect what you believe. And I never try to push my beliefs on anyone else. Everyone has the right to their own religion and their own beliefs. I don't appreciate the looks I get when asked about what I believe in. I don't chide you, so keep your clucking tongue to yourself.
That being said, I just read a very interesting book. Escape by Carolyn Jessop. It is her side of what really happens in a religious cult. More specifically, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and polygamy and Warren Jeffs. Now, I have no qualms with the Mormon church who, as I understand it (correct me if I'm wrong), banned polygamy, nor do I have beef with polygamists. If you want 10 wives because you think that will mark your importance in heaven with God, then hey buddy, go get yourself 10 wives. I'm cool with that. I don't believe in it, but I'm totally cool with that. I may think you're a little sick and are just seeking a "divine" outlet for your affair-ish ways, but whatever floats your boat. Who am I to judge you? What I'm not down with? Is brainwashing, child-brides, abuse (physical and emotional), and "keeping sweet". If you want your "wives" to obey you and be obedient, then it's your marriage and your right. As a more independent woman, I seriously doubt Hubbs could "keep me in line". We are equals. You, however, are treating your "wives" as second class citizens. As property, to be bought and sold as you see fit. And that? Is sooo not cool in my book. It's about as logical as the Ahab kamakaze pilots in WTFistan believing that if they die for Allah (whoever), they'll get a 100 virgins when they die. Come. On.
Our God is an awesome God, yes. I seriously doubt, though, that he preached that we should beat our women and children and keep them subservient at all times. That we should treat them as property and that they should have no rights. That they should share one man with 5 other women and be taught that water (water?!?) is the devil and they can't swim in it. That the color red is an abomination and that all their money should be turned over to their husband. That they should marry a man they have never met, who could be 30 years their senior, at the tender age of 18 (or younger!!). That the "outside world" is so awful. That going against their "priesthood head" (their husband/prophet) would result in them spending the next life in eternal damnation.
All I can say is... BULLSHIT. Our God is mysterious, but He is surely not a money-hungry heathen like Warren Jeffs. Warren Jeffs even proclaims to BE Jesus Christ! Didn't David Koresh try that one already? Warren Jeffs has a MySpace! Go ahead.. Look it up. I did, and I wrote him a nice little message saying that I hope he rots in E-Mortal hell for what he has put "his people" through, all because he's a power/money hungry bastard. Go on, send him your thoughts. This guy is a basket case.
I just simply can not and out right refuse to belief that a God so wonderful and merciful and boutiful as ours could "lead" people like Warren Jeffs into the corruptness that is his empire. I feel so sorry for the lost souls that follow him. For the poor, sweet, innocent children that are born into this and know no other life. For the officials getting flack about storming in and taking 400 and some odd children from the compound this year in Utah/Arizona, Kudos to you. These kids need to be away from sick individuals like Jeffs. Now I agree, that if this is their way of life and the way they practice their religion, and they ARE NOT HURTING ANYONE or BREAKING A LAW, then leave them be. But when they think they are above the law and marry kids off as young as 12 to men who are 60, that is just sick and somebody's ass better go to jail. It just absolutely disgusts me. I feel strongly that government officials acted just in time for it not to be another Waco fiasco, but will it make a difference? Jeffs has appointed a pro-temp leader to take his place while he's in the slammer. The abuse is still going on. Carolyn Jessop was Merril Jessop's 4th wife. She has 8 kids. Merril Jessop now has close to 20 wives and probably close to 60 kids. Warren Jeffs is in prison and proud of the fact that he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list. These people are a joke.
It saddens me that there are individuals in this country that exploit the name of the Lord for their own benefit and drag thousands of innocent people down with them in the process. It saddens me that there are more religious cults in this country with far more bizarre tales, and some of them will die for what they so eagerly believe. I don't believe that anyone should be persecuted for their religion, and please don't misunderstand me. I'm not persecuting these people. I simply can not wrap my mind around the thinking behind what is supposed to make this moral and right.
Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Woo Saahh..
I'm stepping off my soap box now, and hope that I don't have to take it again for a very long while. Thoughts? Anyone?
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Amen sista
Amen to that. oh, and i got a package on my doorstep. it was lovely. and i thank you :D
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